10 Types of bugs that Testeum will help you find


Here is a top 10 list of bug types that Testeum can help you to spot before publishing your software.

1. Functional Bug

This is the most well-known type of bug, so let’s start with it!

A functional bug is simply a bug that will make your users say: “It’s not working.” It could be a button that does nothing when clicked, a link that leads to a 404 error, or a calculation that doesn’t happen correctly.

How about an e-commerce website that applies taxes twice instead of once?

With Testeum, crowdtesting is a cost-effective way to spot bugs… that will truly bug your users.

2. Portability Bug

Has your company invested in test phones to control how your website looks on mobile devices?

We have some bad news for you. That’s not sufficient to ensure that the site displays correctly for all your users.

But the good news is that crowdtesting can boost your confidence level as it allows you to launch your app in contexts you might not have considered. Older phones, lesser-known browsers, unique configurations (have you thought about testing your display in dark mode on your phone?) Each crowdtester tests with their environment and habits, which reveals bugs that your testing team might never have found.

3. Localization Bug

If your application is intended for a global audience (or even just multiple countries), it’s essential to ensure that localization works correctly.

Translation errors, cultural missteps (example: using the metric system in a context where it’s not in use), or data formatting issues (example: a website intended for a French audience where it’s impossible to use accented letters like ‘é’ or ‘è’) can harm the user experience and put off your target audience.

Crowdtesting can help you identify these localization-related problems and ensure that your application is tailored to different markets you’re targeting.

4. UX Bug

According to your criteria, your application may not be buggy. But from the perspective of someone with fresh eyes, what’s displayed may be incomprehensible, leading them to conclude ‘It’s a bug’. That’s what we can call a UX problem. 

If your application deviates too far from the common experience expected by your target audience, they may disengage and silently leave your service. This is what hurts the most when users leave without explaining why!

With crowdtesting, you can be assured of obtaining feedback in line with what users would provide.

5. Error Handling Bug

This is a specific case of usability bug. Users aren’t perfect: they make mistakes in input, skip essential steps, etc.

It’s crucial to think about the most common errors to guide the user back onto the path that brings them value. The problem is that these errors are difficult to be anticipated by the design team or your internal testing team.

By exposing your product to a representative population, Testeum also allows you to understand the errors your future users will make and manage them effectively.

6. Input Data-Related Bug

This is a specific case of a functional bug. Your testing team has undoubtedly tested your forms and various screens by entering all kinds of data. However, this data may not necessarily be representative of what your final audience will enter when the application is in production.

Crowdtesters often use data that is similar to what will be used in real-life situations. They have data sets that you didn’t anticipate. Last names with potentially unsupported characters, documents in different formats than you had planned, etc.

A striking example is presented in this TEDx talk: a black person had to use a facial recognition service and discovered that it didn’t detect their face. The testing team for this product certainly hadn’t trained its model enough with faces other than white ones.

Crowdtesters bring diversity and unpredictability to input data. Don’t underestimate this value.

7. Accessibility Bug

If a crowdtester tells you ‘We can’t see what’s written’, don’t take it lightly; it’s an accessibility bug. If the contrast between text and background is insufficient, or if the font is too small or too unconventional, it creates reading difficulties for a more extensive range of people than you might imagine.

People with permanent vision problems, people who forgot their glasses, or even simply those who have a headache!

8. Concurrent Access Bug

This is a specific case of a functional bug.

Your testing team checked that it was possible to view or modify a resource in your application, but did it test whether this resource could be viewed or modified simultaneously by several people?

By involving multiple testers who don’t know each other and don’t coordinate, Testeum creates test scenarios that your application hadn’t experienced before. This is how new bugs are discovered, and this is how product quality can improve!

9. Performance Bug

Your testing team didn’t detect any performance problems, but perhaps that’s precisely because it’s your testing team.

Crowdtesters will use your application in different contexts where performance problems are more likely to occur. They will use 3G, or even slower networks. They will use the application from different geographical locations or on less powerful devices.

Keep in mind: to achieve top performance, proactive anticipation is crucial before taking the production plunge.

10. Security Bug

Security vulnerabilities are a major concern for any company offering digital services.

Even though crowdtesters primarily represent your target audience (and your target audience does not include hackers!), it’s possible for one of them to discover a vulnerability.

It’s then up to you to fix it; prevention is better than cure!

By using Testeum, you can anticipate many issues and thus ensure better engagement from your future users.

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